thomas csorba is one of my favorite people to be around. he elicits joy from others, a genuine love of life in everything he does. he knows how to make people smile.
he loves his cleft chin. he loves the features that he shares with his ancestors. the extra cartilage in his ear is like his grandfather. his chin, too.
for thomas, they're a reminder to do better. like our parents and their parents before. to invest in relationships and grow as a person. to create a lasting legacy.

he stays busy. he likes to spend his time well, bettering himself and working towards goals. in this way he stays sharp and focused. a dull mind leads to a dull spirit.
when he focus his creativity, amazing things happen. thomas is a phenomenal musician. he contributes his body of work to his discipline. in 2017 he'll write 100 songs. 
he's got 40 under his belt so far. i've heard a few. they damn good. create a goal, stick to it, see how things change.
thomas made me a bowl of cheerios for breakfast.

as a songwriter, he works to be aware of the world around him. he wants to see the bigger picture. he desires experiences and new adventures, it gives him more color to draw from.
this is who he is. he was born with an ability to create in this unique way, a talent and a gift. why waste it? thomas listens to his intuition. if your instinct gives you an answer, trust it.
we only have so much time and one life to live. thomas advises not to take things too seriously. laugh a little, don't run away from things and trust the person you were born to be.