scott loves his bike. he invited me to meet him at his camp site by lake whitney after riding there the night before. he does this often, riding and camping, carrying his bags on his tires.
he likes living with only the essential. the culture and lifestyle around cycling allow him to do just that. he shares his passion everyday, passing on knowledge with anyone in need of a bike.
finding fulfillment in something makes it easier to focus on the positive in our lives. helping others gives him a sense of accomplishment. it's something to look forward to, something to smile about.
also, when camping, there is no such thing as too much coffee supplies.

his favorite things about himself is his mustache. he always wanted to grow one as a kid. he loves his olive skin and the ambiguity it gives him.
he has been told he has nice eyes, specifically from old women in the mall. he likes them, too.
it's easy to focus on the wrapping paper. scott wishes it were different. a person takes work, a body was given to us at birth. he prefers others get to know him. beauty is more than skin deep.
scott looks like an old sailor in this photo, peeing into the lake, watching the sun rise and the catfish jump.

he camped in a hammock, soaking wet from the previous night's thunder storm. camping can be unpredictable, but scott didn't seem to mind.
he credits his level-headedness to his upbringing. his schooling allowed him to grow up and interact with people different than himself. this ability to understand and connect with others has changed who he is, how he sees himself.
his empathy is his super power. with scott, every conversation is intentional, his eloquence and desire to understand others apparent.